Simona C. Sapienza
Senior Lawyer
Simona C. Sapienza assists Italian and foreign asset managers, banks, insurance companies and other institutional investors on any regulatory aspects of their transactions. She advises Italian and foreign financial intermediaries in the provision of their services in Italy through local offices or on a cross-border basis.
She assists asset managers and other institutional investors in the structuring, registration, listing and marketing of Italian and foreign investment funds such as UCITS and AIFs (hedge, private equity, real estate, ethical and all other types of alternative investment funds), as well as in the structuring of fund-linked products.
During the years she has established a sound net of contacts with the Italian regulatory authorities and she constantly participates in the submission to CONSOB and the Bank of Italy of comments and views to their consultation papers on the regulation of investment funds and fund-linked products.
She graduated in Law from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in 1996, has lectured in Banking Law at the Postgraduate Banking School of the University of Siena and obtained a PhD in Comparative and European Private Law from the University of Macerata.
Before collaborating with the firm in 2011, she started her professional career with Allen & Overy in 2000.
Simona is a member of the Bar of Rome.
She is fluent in Italian, English and French.
Practice Areas
PhD, Macerata, 2004
JD, Rome, 1996
Professional Membership
Bar of Rome - 2000
Italian, English, French